As per recent survey by leading customer service expert in which they have asked 1000 respondents about various aspect of customer service.

They have surveyed about what influences exceptional and positive customer service.

More than anything it comes down to simply being treated like a VALUED CUSTOMER.

Valued customer means being treated with kindness and respect.

Customer want to be treated like Individual and not just another transaction of currency.

Respondent noted that

An agent with

  • Strong knowledge or expertise ( 55.3%)
  • Fast Response Time (53.5%)
  • Personalized Care & Support ( 46.8%)

Demonstrating knowledge creates confidence which leads to trust.

Trust leads to customer loyalty.

Its interesting to note that these factors ranked well above communicating through preferred channel.

Which means that Brands are not making customer preferred channel available to them. Companies need to focus on human element of their customer experience before investing in technology that could further alienate the customer.

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